This morning we enjoyed a visit from Pandemonium Thearte who told us three Tales of Wales
February Newsletter
February Newsletter
First Communion Enrolment Mass
Thank you to the pupils, families and staff who joined us on Sunday February 11th for enrolment Mass.
Pupils from Classes 4 and 5 enjoyed a morning at the Haverfordwest Jamboree where they took part in a range of singing and dancing activities.
Class 5 visit to Swansea
Pupils from Class 5 travelled to Swansea where they represented the school at a service to celebrate the visit of the Papal Nuncio to the Diocese of Menevia.
In the afternoon they enjoyed a visit to the National Waterfront Museum
Internet Safety
Class 3 worked with PC Llewellyn to carry out activities designed to help them understand the importance of internet safety.
If you are looking for advice about digital safety Vodafone produce some excellent magazines for parents which can be found at
Extreme Reading
As part of our World Book Day activities we are running an Extreme Reading Photo competition. Please take a photograph of your child reading in an unusual place and send it into school by Thursday 1st March. There is a prize for the best entry from each class.
St David’s Day
On Thursday pupils can wear National Costume or Welsh Rugby Shirts to school. If they are wearing rugby shirts please could they wear school trousers and not jeans.
Classes 2, 3,4 and 5 will be attending Mass at 10am and families are welcome to join us in the Church.
Pupil Attendance
Following an attendance review carried out by the Local Authority if your child has attendance of less than 93% for this school year so far you will be receiving a letter at the end of the week – this is for information only. Our target for the year is 95.5%
Parent’s Evenings
Teaching staff will be available to meet with parents on March 20th (between 5pm and 7pm) and March 21st (3.30pm – 5.30pm)
If you would like to book an appointment please speak to Mrs Jones.
Please can we remind you that for health and safety reasons pupils are not allowed to use the adventure trail and climbing wall at the start and end of the day.
Dates for your Diary
March 1st – 10am Saint David’s Day Mass
March 20th – Parent’s Evening 5pm – 7pm
March 21st – 10am ALN Coffee Morning
March 21st -1.30pm Pre School Stay and Play
March 21st – Parent’s Evening 3.30pm – 5.30pm
March 28th – Stay and Play
Easter Holidays – Friday March 30th
Safer Internet Day
Class Two took part in a rang of activities today designed to promote awareness of safe internet usage.
For more information to help keep your children safe online click here.
December Newsletter
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Holy Name Christmas Fair
On Saturday December 4th we held our Christmas Fair.
Thank you to everyone who donated things, made items for our stalls, gave generously of their time and helped man the stalls and came to support us.
We raised an amazing £2026 at our Christmas Fair on Saturday.
This money will be used in the development and refurbishment of our outdoor learning areas.