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E – Safety

If your child uses SnapChat please read the following warning message:

SnapChat has launched a new Map feature on their app, with the purpose being to allow users to see snaps of events, breaking news and more from all over the world. Due to the Map feature people can access your child’s location down to the exact house or location.

For safeguarding reasons we strongly recommend that this feature should be turned off.

By turning this feature off it will not allow people to know exactly where your child is and it will keep their snaps privacy levels the same as they were before this new feature was launched.

How to turn the feature off?

When you go into selfie mode and pinch the screen for the first time it will ask you what setting you want, we would suggest to select ‘Ghost mode’ for younger children especially, you can also choose ‘just my friends’ or event pick only a ‘few friends’ by selecting them individually.

Please read the following link for more information