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Class Five worked with members of The Rotary Club to plant purple crocuses in our school ground this week.

Rotary clubs help to plant millions of purple crocuses every year to raise awareness for efforts to end polio.

We look forward to Spring when we will see a carpet of purple flowers by our willow garden

Anti-Bullying Week 2018

Pupils have learned about what bullying is and ways that it can be prevented during anti- bullying week.

The focus this year has been choosing respect and treating everyone with kindness.

The children have taken part in a range of activities aimed at promoting making the right choices when interacting with others in person and online.

Class 5 planned and presented an anti – bullying assembly which they then delivered in front of the whole school.

They wrote the following prayer as part of their work:

Let us pray,
Help us to be good friends wherever we go.
Help us to make the right choices, even in the hardest times.
Help us to celebrate people’s differences and remember that we are all unique.
Help us to be someone’s reason to smile today and every day.

Siarter Iaith Arian

Gwobr arian i Ysgol yr Enw Sanctaidd


Today we were awarded the Silver Siarter Iaith.

Pupils and staff have continued to work hard to improve standards of Welsh in our school.

Llongyfarchiadau mawr… ymlaen at y wobr aur