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Day of Many Colours

The Day of Many Colours is our annual faith and fundraising event, celebrating the Universal Church and Mission Together’s work around the world.

Mission Together is the Catholic Church’s official children’s charity for overseas mission. It is the children’s branch of Missio.

We all wore colourful clothes and took part in colour themed activities.


We brought in donations of money which will be sent to Mission Together



All about Drugs

Class Five worked with PC Llewellyn today.

They talked about drugs and some of dangers that can be associated with them.

Some drugs are legal, others are illegal.

Some drugs are designed to help us when we are ill if they are used properly.

We worked together to share our ideas and we talked about the choices we should make.


Today we had a visit from Marco – Marco is a therapy dog.


Every class had the opportunity to meet him and stroke him. Marco was rescued from Romania and now he lives in Pembrokeshire. He is a cross between a lurcher and an Anatolian Shepherd dog. He has a lovely curly tail.

As you can see Marco really enjoyed all the attention.

Sports Day

Yesterday we gathered on the field for Sports Day.

All pupils took part in a range of field and track events.

Congratulations to Brynach Team who were the overall winners by 1 point!


As part of our wellbeing week classes 2,3,4 and 5 took part in a dancer size session.

They had the opportunity to use up lots of energy and learnt a range of dance moves.

Special thanks to the parents and grandparents who came and joined in.


Pause Points

We have been working with John and Paul from Gwylan.

They introduced us to Pause Points.

We talked about the importance of wellbeing.

Every class had the opportunity to do some yoga – some parents came to school and took part as well.