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School Day

The school building is open to pupils at 8.45 and school begins at 8.55

We ask that all pupils arrive before 8.55 so they are ready to start the day on time

Classes 1 and 2 are dismissed from the main entrance at 15.10

Class 3 are dismissed from the main entrance at 15.15

Classes 4 and 5 are dismissed from the hall door at 15.15

During the school day if parents need to access the site they will need to use the rear entrance

Easter Egg Raffle

Easter Egg Raffle

Tickets are on sale for our Easter Egg raffle, there are lots of fantastic chocolate eggs to be won. If you want more tickets please contact Mrs Jones. The draw will be held on Thursday 7th April and all money raised will be used to develop our outdoor learning opportunities.

December Newsletter

Please see the attached letter from the Director of Education.

The last day of term for pupils in Holy Name School is Tuesday December 21st
The Welsh Government has directed schools to take two planning days in January so pupils now return to school on Thursday 6th January 2022.

If there are any changes to this we will let you know via Class Dojo so you will need to check before January 6th.

As our holiday approaches I would like to thank pupils, parents and staff for the way they have worked together during this term.
We should take pride in all we have achieved as a school community. It has been lovely to have the children return to amore normal timetable this term and watch as the classes have mixed and reintegrated- in January we will have to reintroduce stricter covid mitigation measures, these will include changes tot he start and end of the school day and use of contact groups -information and more details will follow.

Although we haven’t been able to welcome you into the school building as we do under normal circumstances you have continued to support the school in many ways. We hope, at somepoint in 2022 we will be able to resume some of the community events that are normally an integral part of our school life.
Our fund-raising raffle raised an amazing £995 – thank you for your donations of chocolate and money and supporting us by buying tickets. This money was used to fund our trip to the cinemaand will be used toprovide additional resources for all pupils inthe school.

On behalf of the staff I would like to wish all families a Happy Christmas and a restful and relaxing break.


Letter to Parents and Carers (E) 17.12.2021 (002)

Autumn Newsletter

We break up for the Autumn Half Term on Friday October 22nd. Pupils return to school on Monday November 1st.

This has been a busy half term – we have welcomed new pupils to Class 1 and it has been lovely to see them settle in and become part of our school community.

During the term we have been able to reinstate many of the internal school activities that were not possible last academic year.

We have introduced a house point system linked to Class Dojo points – our House Captains report on the results weekly. So far this term Brynach and Non have each had two weekly wins and Dewi one week. Dewi, however remain ahead on overall points.

Pupils in Classes 1,2 and 3 have enjoyed outdoor ‘Foraging Friday’ sessions each week

Older pupils have enjoyed taking on roles of reading buddies and playground buddies – these roles encourage them to work with our younger pupils in a supportive capacity. This is an important part of our school ethos and we have enjoyed seeing the positive benefits this has for all pupils.

We have also appointed Digital Leaders, members of Eco Club, JRSOs, Faith Ambassadors, Maths Mentors and Super Ambassadors.

Criw Cymraeg and Mini- Criw have begun to plan a programme of activities for the year – they started by producing materials for Shwmae Day.

The School Council have been elected and have met with Mrs Thomas – we look forward to hearing about their plans.

Older pupils have formed a fund-raising committee – unfortunately their first planned event has had to be postponed but we look forward to setting a new date for the disco after half term. Thank you to everyone who provided donations for this event.

Pupils in Year 6 had the opportunity to complete the Safer Cycling Award working with the Pembrokeshire Road Safety Team. All 20 pupils who took part passed their final tests.

We have been able to welcome visitors to school, both ‘real’ and ‘virtual’.

The Palisander Recorder Groups performed for older pupils as part of Fishguard Music Festival.

Fireman Lee worked with Classes 3 and 4 and PCSO Carwyn and PC Llewellyn have both visited school.

We have also set up our link with the local foodbank – thanks to your generous donations we have been able to deliver over 100 kilos of donations this half term. Older pupils have also had the opportunity to visit the foodbank.

Please note the Foodbank is accessible to anyone in need – you do not need a referral. They also provide a listening ear, and if needed, signpost people to agencies that can help resolve longer-term problems. The food bank is based in Bethel Chapel and is open on Thursdays between 11am and 2pm

Covid 19

If you are contacted by TTP please follow their advice.

Please could we ask that you continue to monitor your child for any of the three key symptoms of Covid 19. If they are displaying any of them please do not send your child to school and arrange a PCR test for them immediately. You can book a PCR test online through the NHS website at or by calling 119. Anyone else in your household with any of these three key symptoms should also isolate and take a PCR test.


Please click on this link to read the Governing Body Annual Report to Parents

Forthcoming dates

October 22nd Half Term

November 1st Pupils return to school

School Photographer (individual photos and sibling groups for pupils in school only)

November 12th Children in Need Day – Non-school uniform day with donations to Children In Need

November 26th INSET Day




The Welsh Government have asked Local Authorities to engage with schools with regard to walking and cycling in their area. They are asking that you complete the survey linked below. Please note that no information that could identify individual pupils will be collected in this survey.


The closing date for the survey is Monday 8th November.

Primary School survey