At Holy Name School we are committed to the continuous raising of achievement of all our pupils. Regular attendance is critical if our pupils are to be successful and benefit from the opportunities presented to them.
One of our basic principles is to celebrate success. Good attendance is fundamental to a successful and fulfilling school experience. We actively promote 100% attendance for all our pupils.
Parents have a legal duty to ensure that their child(ren) attend school regularly and arrive on time. Regular attendance is essential to the all-round development of the child and they should be allowed to take full advantage of educational opportunities available to them. Poor attendance undermines their education and sometimes, puts pupils at risk, encouraging anti-social behaviour.
Our attendance target this year is 95.5%.
Unfortunately, our figure has dropped to 94.97% at the moment.
Whilst we have experienced a high level of infectious illnesses such as chicken pox which lead to unavoidable time off school can we urge you to ensure that whenever possible your child attends school.
Reporting Pupil Absences
Please contact school if your child is unwell and will not be in.
If you are using ClassDojo to report a pupil absence please could you message Mrs Jones directly on the admin account.
If you would like to send a duplicate message to the class teacher that would be fine.
The way dojo is set up means messages are only seen by the recipient, they do not go to all staff-any messages sent to teachers after 8-30am may not be read until dinnertime or the end of the school day.